Sustainability Policy
RadiatorBooster - Our Sustainability Policy
The following policy outlines the aims of RadiatorBooster in regard to the company’s environmental impact and commitment to sustainability.
Placing care for the environment at the centre of our company operations.
At RadiatorBooster, we recognise our responsibility to limit the negative impact of our doing business on the local and wider environment and, further, our responsibility to use clean and green, sustainable methods of working wherever possible in order to improve the environment in which we operate.
We recognise the negative impact of fuels, packaging, manufacturing processes, and other operations that occur in the course of our running of an e-commerce and distribution business and commit to limiting them wherever possible.
We measure and report on our performance against targets in an effort to continually improve our performance.
Important issues
We seek to reduce our carbon footprint and the carbon footprint of our partners and customers by reducing waste, cutting unnecessary travel, and - given the nature of our business - sourcing sustainable products and packaging at every possible opportunity.
We acknowledge that we have limited influence over the processes that might underpin the activities of our own suppliers even if outputs are sustainable, but we commit to educate the wherever possible, and create a list of preferred suppliers who support our ideals. This is an ongoing process and we hold suppliers and distribution partners to our expectations in this regard wherever possible in the course of our business dealings with them.
We commit to:
Completing a regular sustainability self-assessment, and updating and sharing progress with the team at a quarterly meeting using % metrics to track improvements.
Reducing team travel between home, warehouse & office sites by car, by use of public transport and or virtual means wherever possible (saving 50 car miles per month).
Ensuring our supply chain has a responsible ethical and social responsibility for the provenance of our products across our wider product range.
Charitable disposal of slow-moving items to local initiatives, charities and existing partners wherever possible to ensure re-use, rather than wastage.
We will report our performance in respect of progress against our sustainability targets on the company website and update this information quarterly.
The Senior Management Team will conduct a full review at their quarterly board meeting with current performance features and new goals to be shared with the team on the same quarterly basis.
Wherever possible, we will look to incorporate new and useful means of report dissemination with suppliers and partners to encourage further awareness of our own commitment and our expectations of similar commitment from them to progress on issues of sustainability.