N. JamesonI noticed an increase in temperature straight away.
F. ChallenorRadiatorBooster significantly reduced our heating bills over the winter period.
F. ClarenceIt couldn't have been easier to set up and it has definitely made our room feel warmer.
J. McDiarmudGreat little product. Well worth the money for the savings.
Instant Benefits
How does RadiatorBooster® work?
RadiatorBooster® draws heat from your radiator, heating a room quicker, allowing the boiler to shut down sooner.
This simple process sucks wasted heat away from the wall and directs it into your room, reducing losses, potentially saving you energy. It really is that simple!
How much will RadiatorBooster® reduce my heating bills by?
This depends on your heating usage and environment.
Testing shows RadiatorBooster® can heat up a room to the desired temperature in almost half the usual time.
This can lead to significant savings on energy bills. You can also use multiple RadiatorBooster® units on radiators around the home to increase your overall savings.
Can I leave my RadiatorBooster® switched on all the time?
Yes. RadiatorBooster® model is thermostatically controlled, meaning it will only operate when your radiator gets hot, and it will shut down as the radiator cools.
Can I use a power bank to power my RadiatorBooster®?
Yes. RadiatorBooster® has a USB output and so will work with any USB-enabled power bank.
Does RadiatorBooster® make a noise?
The dual fans used in RadiatorBooster® are small and optimised to run at a quiet level of volume. Most users find these to be unnoticeable.
Like any fans, they do emit a low-volume humming noise. If you are exceptionally sensitive to noise, we recommend trying the unit to see if it fits with your needs.
Is RadiatorBooster® portable?
Yes. All RadiatorBooster® needs is a power source. It can be moved from room to room depending on where you're spending time.
Should I put one in every room?
We would recommend you place one in each room that you regularly use, but it is not essential for other rooms. You could unplug and move one very easily if necessary.
If you wish to keep your whole house warm for the least energy use, then one RadiatorBooster® in each room would optimise your energy savings.
Are power lead extensions available?
Yes. If your power socket is more than 2m away from where you want to place your RadiatorBooster®, you can purchase an extension cable from us. Alternatively, you can use any USB-enabled power bank to power your RadiatorBooster®.
Do I need to clean my RadiatorBooster®?
Yes. As with any domestic product, dust will build up on various surfaces. Clean it periodically using a lint free cloth.